Thursday 4 July 2013

Introducing Maverick Squad

Introducing Maverick Squad

 Maverick Squad is a comedy audio podcast about the Elite Crime Unit, a bunch of maverick cops who don’t follow the rules but get the job done, at least some of the time. It’s like an old-fashioned radio serial, but with more cussing and inappropriate behaviour.
 The Elite Crime Unit, nicknamed ‘Maverick Squad’, is an idea that came from Police Commissioner Thompson, possibly in a pharmacologically induced daze. He selected 6 currently suspended police officers to front the squad. These were officers who had problems with authority and didn’t obey any rules, even the rules of common sense. This squad was to be under the command of Police Chief Clayton who hated the idea of the Elite Crime Unit, since he had suspended those 6 officers.

 Here’s the link:

 Maverick Squad Characters:

- Detective John McBlain:
  A parody of the hero and ladies’ man cop types, John McBlain is a man who takes every case personally and thinks nothing of charging into a bullet storm to save the day.  He gets emotionally involved and is tortured by past cases. But that doesn’t stop him from being smooth with the ladies, who just can’t resist a handsome, brooding, emotionally crippled hunk.

- Detective Harry Westwood:
  A parody of Clint Eastwood, Harry Westwood is a gun-toting psycho who shoots first and then doesn’t even ask questions. He had to have surgery to repair his shoulder due to damage caused by wielding his heavy and massive handgun. He is a gruff and quiet type who lets his gun do the talking.

- Detective Beauregard Brady:
 A parody of the shady and slob cop types, Beauregard is a good ole’ Southern boy who straddles the fence between being a corrupt cop and an effective cop. Straddling a fence is rather difficult for him given that he is heavily overweight. He carries a six-shooter in one hand a hamburger in the other.

- Detective Aldo Gibson:
  A parody of the eccentric, slightly mental, absent-minded but brilliant detective, Aldo Gibson was a great cop whose mental disintegration has begun to get in the way of his work. He has numerous phobias, neuroses and nervous ticks and often gets distracted and side-tracked as his mind drifts away from reality.

- Officer Stacey Chester:
 A parody of female cops, Stacey is a confident sexy young woman determined to rise up in the force. Constantly on the lookout to chastise others for being sexist, she is proud and not ashamed to show that she is a female, often by showing an alarming amount of her ample cleavage, and then slapping any man whose gaze drifts towards them.

- Madson:
 A parody of the smug deductive genius, Sherlock Holmes type, the extant Madson has a huge IQ and his brain works on a cognitive level others cannot begin to understand. He can deduce all the particulars of a crime just by looking at a crime scene, but he tends to be a little bit too confident in his abilities and assume he knows everything and that often ends up in his getting things wrong. This is not helped by his suspected substance abuse issues that often see him disappear for months at a time.

 Each episode these mavericks solve a case, or at least try to solve the case, much to the chagrin of the Chief Clayton. All these episodes will be released on my YouTube account.

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